Chilling with the currant blanket!

 Last week I got the news that an operation is called for and sooner rather than later as well. So New pjs nd a new dressing gown were required, I m about to book a hair apt for a fringe to be cut in,  today we bought co op orange label flowers and  from tomorrow I shall identify Something aa a treat - every single day until the op!

I  prefer the term "skull based surgery". But when attempting to obtain a chair to suddenly sit on in a shop ....I just say 'brain surgery', as a short cut!  It really isn't though, it is surgery between the skull and my brain.

There is  a pre op apt at the end of this week,  as apparently the little unwelcome lodger is behaving very badly indeed and must come out. Well, 95% of it will, the remaining bit Might stop one sided facial paralysis- a Good idea I think.

I  might not be posting for a bit.  Certainly two or three months, unless the neuro surgeon is a Genius! I mean he is Very good....but I am being realistic here.

There are simply loads of things that I Want to do but now won't until Next year.

On the plus side all the leek seedlings have been planted out to overwinter . All overwintering flowering plants are now in the soil outside and  set to overwinter In The Soil....and anything greenhouse tender has been potted up properly, soaked for a last time and can now be left.. The two best mints ( Korean and apple) have been brought into the house as they are simply stunning.

Waiting is a right pain, so World of Books is being visited and at this rate I shall, in all probability end the year with the complete set of Miss Read books and be well onto collecting the entire published works of Elizabeth Goudge as well!

There are worse things to be doing than buying second hand books and crocheting blankets......

The fella will be OK as we have loads of work going on around the house, if we are not juggling medical appointments then it s plumbers and joiners. Hopefully I ll, come home to a grand new woodburner as well!

So that is my news for October. 


  1. Wishing you well. My sister-in-law has just had a tumour (hopefully non- malignant as body scans were good) removed. It was on the lining of her brain. She woke up able to speak and texted her husband to keep an eye on the washing on the line in case it rained! We all hoping and praying for a good outcome. I shall send prayers for you too. May the Lord keep you safe and support those who can heal you..
    J xxx

  2. ....liking the sound of your sister!
    Heard myself saying to the neurologist the other day,
    " well it is up to your colleagues and God now"
    Neurosurgeon is Greek Orthodox......
    Thank you so much


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