August, hopefully,

If  (and I do) have to spend some time curled up on the settee....then new cushion covers were called for! We have fabulous charity shops round abouts, so it didn't break the bank and they make me smile every day!

One day I might learn how to take a photo with a tablet..........,!

Until then,  At Last there might be an explanation for ten years of shocking balance. But by heck the last few
  months have been grueling: " benign does not mean fine" Indeed so!  There is a limited  amount of space inside my skull!

So...... it is  a non cancerous growth .....on my vestibular nerve. 

However, having had one scan , there has to be a roughly six month wait for a second scan, before we all sit down and decide Next Steps.
I had rather been hoping for a zappy radiosurgery type treatment, only it seems this flipping intruder is Already a bit too big.

Size is not all tho' and if symptoms can be brought under control I would take a WatchAndWaitnObserve suggestion.
Alas symptoms are all over the place like a rash, so am on more medication atm than at any time in my life to date. 

Currently having the attention span of a gnat, wool was called for!
I know, it has been hot, but so hot that the intruder was making itself known and sometimes I just can't be outside. Being a natural flibberty- jibbet I need to be Doing something, and as two winter blankets require edging and a  wool shop had a sale would have been  rude Not to!

So here we are, somehow plants have been raised,  some have made it into the soil, some end up in the compost bin, but hey!
Winter kale ( various) are raised from seed, but after using my annual quota of rude words about the cabbage white butterflies, we caved in and bought a Brassica cage for the  final month. Then the butterflies will have gone and the plants can get into the ground!

What have I learned? 
That the brain is a wonderful thing and can learn new ways of doing things.
That the nhs is under serious strain and most members of staff are at their wits end.
That anyone sane and sober who voted Tory needs their sanity questioned.

I guess we get one and we need to live it, but by heck right now I have most uncomplimentary thoughts concerning the present govt.



  1. Wise words indeed. I am very pleased to hear your growth is not cancerous. We currently wait to hear if the same is true for a close family member. Love the cushion covers, BTW.

    1. Glad you like the cushion covers too!
      With health stuff , waiting truly is the pits...


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