
 The past month has been slightly ridiculous, as usual living ground to  almost a halt and normal activity decreased stupidly. 

(As you can tell, I m not Everso impressed)

Simply cannot go into Yet Another growing season where seeds get landed unceremoniously in the soil and plants are left to flounder at will. So pacing myself........

Was able to complete some grandparent duties this month & all I can say is thank goodness for benches and low walls to perch on!

Back home again it has been a case of short gardening spells and then spending time in the little snug with blankets, cushions and soft chairs.

Usually I don't mind curling up here and falling asleep at the end of a long day, but before lunch?!

So, what's gone on?

Well I would quite like to know so have no doubt made myself a little unpopular at the health centre


Have nabbed an ECG and some other stuff later on this week. Time will tell.

In other news:

Leeks and radishes are germinating. Mazuma salad leaves are looking hopeful. Strawberries plants are being tidied up and planted out. Overwintered cornflowers are now reaching for the sky and Really want to be planted out Now!  But I have only the one tomato seedling,  so set to and sowed a second lot yesterday.  Coriander also.


If you ll excuse me, a nap calls......









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