Sssshhhhh! Regular reading matter which clearly puts me in the Older age bracket but.....I don't care! Lovely gentle reading matter with a page of quizzes to keep my brain ticking over as well. Hurrah for simple pleasures.

The new year has begun, all parental ashes have been placed where they should be, everyone is still talking to each other and thoughts turn to gardening once more. Hibernation is almost at an end and most certainly the call from our garden is loud and persistent, so beds have been roughly cleared of weeds and covered with well rotted goat manure / spent compost / home made compost and hopefully '22 will see flowers and veg In Abundance! We only lost one pane of greenhouse glass and a corner of garden fencing in the storms,  but the countryside around looks as though a giant bulldozer has run amok. Trees everywhere. So Very sad.

HibernationTime coincided with family here for Christmas, well two extra households only but that was enough! 

"You look shell-shocked!" grinned one offspring as they sipped their tea. Well yes. I was and not at all helped by dodgy hearing and shocking balance either.  But it was lovely to finally meet one of the grandchildren and fab to catch up with everyone else. One household returned on the night sleeper train which has stirred ideas for us when we next travel to England. Finally finished all of the holiday laundry, the last three bedside mats were pegged out in yesterday's sunshine and are finishing off in front of a radiator.

I'm avoiding chat/ radio / TV concerning Westminster and it's woes,  my swear allowance for 2022 having been Already used up and we are not yet out of January. But i am keeping half an eye on the covid situation. As a country we  seem to be divided between those who can't see why everything doesn't just Go Back To Normal.....and......well anyone who works in health related / education employment and Anyone with compromised immune systems plus of course anyone shielding or disabled. Of Which There Are Many. Suggestions and invitations appear and will we or won't we do this or that? Attend or travel to what household or building for which reason? Is it judged to be safe? Necessary?  Could we put it off for a bit longer? Is it Our opinion that takes precedence or Other People's?  Plus, to be totally honest I ve no idea if we have had covid or not, I suspect not but no real clue. 

All to say, still here, still content with life,  no real idea about a lot of things outside of my immediate geographical area


Quite happy.

(Which I think counts for something)







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