The growing season has begun!


At least, on my window sill the growing season has started anyway. May I introduce the garlic?

My first lot of garlic were rooted in the greenhouse during November, hardened off outside during December and planted out last week. The second lot were rooted on a window sill over Christmas and potted up last week, currently in a greenhouse. Now these beauties!

It is exciting, the beginning of springtime. Tbh I had been utterly unwilling to get out of bed in the mornings for the past few months. That has changed! I ve been in the greenhouse before now  but today saw the studio opened and the woodburner lit. Radio on too as I sorted and catalogued the seed packets.

So, where are we up to from last year's over wintering?

Claytonia Perfoliata, aka miners lettuce. That has done really well, but should have been germinated earlier. These taste great and we have already enjoyed a decent salad from the interestingly shaped leaves, so this pot looks a little depleted. . It will Not be allowed free rein in the garden and for the reason why just Google that plant and click the Images option. Oh my!

The ones outside are looking rough, don't think they appreciate the climate.

Annual cauliflower seedlings in the greenhouse grew Beautifully over winter.  I mean, seriously amazingly great. Not at all leggy, just "solid". ( as a young pre schooler of my aquaintence once described her baby brother!) As ever, it will all depend what happens when these cauliflower are Properly Planted though...

The so called winter lettuce......didn't. Oh, they were There! Just inedible.  A very few Little Gem were left in the cold frame and if picked no longer than one's little finger they are just OK. But the Arctic Winter variety? Oh dear me no.....

**updated in March the Arctic Winter variety rallied and turned sweet. What is That all about? **

I have three beetroot clumps left around the garden, the roots are unexplored but the leaves give a nice addition. They do need to be lifted though.

The last of the spring onions (and what a waste of time was That!) have been pulled, cleaned, topped n tailed and added to the previously mentioned salad. Pitiful really and the more so as helpful Ideas For Gardening With Children usually mention how easy spring onions are to grow. I think not.

Carrots have all been cleared and the Kale uprooted.

(Nothing to see there!)

Sprouting broccoli  isn't sprouting, so has been very firmly staked with it's head in more  sunshine. Jury is out!

Swede? Well, let's just say that I will be leaving swede growing to the farmers from here on out! A whole heap of hassle for.......enough diced swede to fit in a hand.

( nothing left to see here either!)

Onions have overwintered well and just need hardening off slowly before they go outside in I guess April? Going to keep an eye on what others are up to in our area anyway.

There are potatoes sprouting but I am not at all holding my breath on that score.

After one and a half years here, we really do Need to knock some kind of order in the garden. I m going for bulbs, easy to manage perennials,  some sturdy shrubs a few more trees and we desperately require fragrant climbing Things.

Time will tell.

But I am hopeful. 


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