Autumn just, but veering swiftly into wintertime.......

 Apparently there was ❄ snow!  ❄  just outside the village recently. 

My response has been to:

1)  ensure enough candles in,  (but non scented only as my lungs can't  cope with the beautiful smells that Are out there. )

2) continue stacking wood for next year, hauling forward This year's supply.

3) remind my brain how to cook and especially how to bake and preserve food.


The drafted virus is still with us but is inviting a  diverting few moments. Will it? Or won't it? I know not. I have sent off an image though. Worth a looksee.?.....

Upon using a bank card ......In A Real Live Shop .......for the first time since March ( hardly unique i think?) , it was declined . To be fair to them, I had to input a code. But as my  memory is an exctinct mask and glasses combine to ensure that I wouldn't have been able to see anything like four figures in the depths of my wallet/ coat pocket / on arm /  even were it there. Which it was not! .......and I was Already flustered. I payed in cash and left at speed.   My husband will have to do the shopping until my nerve is back. Honestly, for two pins I would just go 100% delivery! But I think he likes the whole hunter - gather-er, yellow label Thing!

Then again, he also does this 'ere zoom thing too! Thursday nights and our living room sounds for all the world Just like a room full of people, the air is Full of photographic chatter!  

Live video chat just isn't my thing, so those kind of chats with friends and family is excruciating and reserved for those who can Only communicate that way. Currently less than five! Making and receiving short video s that can be deleted or changed before sending works best with grandchildren too. It has been fun seeing what the little ones get up to and even more fun watching grandchildren who I have never met starting to say their first meaningful words.....

It has got to the point now where I can truthfully say that the current -normal is not exactly to my liking. In all probability down to less light.....and yes my vitamin d tablets are being taken!

Our campervan is still off the road and eight months of mostly outdoors has come to a crashing halt as my Natural Dormouse Tendancies have come to the fore. There is enough excitement in the greenhouse to keep me pottering about though, fussing about the overwintering plants, a pile of tree cutings require attention and there Is the small matter of our garden to sort for winter!

Need to fire up the studio woodburner and get ensconced out there too. There is paperwork to see to. I work best out there.

So far Christmas decorations have been resisted 

But...........maybe it could be a good idea?




Winter fruits, stewed.
Easily pleased.



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