October 2020

Life seems to be downright bonkers, but upon sober reflection maybe not nearly as bad as Some other moments in previous years......

Grandchildren have been born and yet not seen in real life. For the first time in years we have not climbed into our camper, exploring & visiting across the country. I don't have the hang of casually-chic mask-wearing as yet + I'm rapidly developing a distinct aversion to supermarkets.

We have reached that time of Getting The Wood In, of knowing exactly where the scarves, hats n gloves are and starting on blessed puddings and custard!

 There are those scurried last moments in the garden, ensuring no lone plastic pots are left out to be blown hither and yon as the winds blast from every angle through the garden. 

 Today the greenhouse was hauled about and the winter seedlings finally have halfway decent shelving - the potting shelves, relocated from next to our oil tank. I certainly have limited time now to make WinterDecisions for the garden, so was happy to note that a handful of carrots were removing themselves from the soil- they really brightened up our greens with tonight's supper. Must check the beetroot, I glimpsed some ruby red flashes in the soil.......

If we can't  travel, we obviously needed a bit of excitement so changed the downstairs rooms around a bit!
Sunroom has been closed down for winter and the telly has moved into our living room. Cosy evenings with fire and TV have enlarged our respective viewing, as we do need to take into account each other's preferences. The Mr is now up to speed on renovating French Château s, while I found myself sitting through some detective program the other night.

Not content with this, a new settee , recliner and footstool and two new chairs were bought locally.  We met some great people, Very Seriously win-win.  Then we swizzed round the dining room; creating a reading nook, more compact dining area and a pleasing helpful bookshelf. 

All in all, i am loving this new home!

If I Do find anymore beet ready for pulling......they Will be turned into cocoa and beetroot muffins. There might need to be chopped up chocolate added as well? Or raisins. Or.........

There is a new-for-us, leather settee as Well!



  1. How do I follow your posts ? We both live in Aberdeenshire.

  2. This is the second recommendation I've seen for beetroot muffins, i may have to try them. Thanks!

  3. We, too, are in front room and cosy mode although the weather keeps inviting us outside when the sun shines. Most of our produce is up and out of the ground now but a couple of tomato plants in the greenhouse refuse to be put to bed and their tomatoes are still to be eaten. Thank you for your comment on my blog. Our lives seem somehow very similar.

  4. Loving the concept of sunny weather inviting us to do something!


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