Are we still in summertime?

Only my courgettes would like to know!

They think that they are in with a chance, so there is a mad panic to flower and produce their fruit. All the while I am hanging around mostly looking hopeful and whispering words of encouragement.

 But after that thunderstorm......

Lovely long green courgettes from that top one and smaller yellow courgettes from the second. And here we have one just about making it over the coldframe edge.

Timing has been out this year. Who knew that Growing Veg was going to be something that I'd be doing? No I.......for certain!
Lockdown started, compost had not been bought, seeds ditto........then hubby found Garden Magazines with seeds on the front. The rest is history & grubby hands.

Well a little too late in the day celery seeds arrived.
So they have been germinated, raised ( after confusing me by looking similar to coriander) and are now potted up for finishing in the greenhouse. Self blanching, so worth a try,


Having made the decision to buy compost in ( Shock, Horror!) I ve had a go with unusual -for - me plants this year. So first up is our Achocha. Ideally it would be like this in June I think! Will we get fruit this year? The jury is out but i wouldn't be placing bets.....


I ....think....this is a Crown Prince Butternut Squash.
Thinking positively, at least I know that I can grow the plant from seed! 
All I need to do now is get the knack of producing an edible result, it does look pretty trailing across outside the garage tho!


In spite of tiddily little carrots , spring onions with no spring,  lots of fab greens, pea shoots (and some yummy pea pods too), tomatoes which might or might not, yummy beetroot , divine shallots and some Ishishi Kura that can't decide it they can be bothered.....I m truly getting the most pleasure out of rooting properly that supermarket  mint. 
They of the cut....or even  the elongated growth and wrapped in plastic variety. 
Because under that plastic and beyond the thin translucent forced growth....there are some sturdy plants just Waiting to do their stuff!  

I am ridiculously pleased with each and every successfully potted up mint.


It is not All herbs n veg tho', there are some flowers too.
Today my favourites are these different marigolds with their out of focus fox n cubs 

Borage and honeywort ,( cerinthe.)


There has been much Cutting Down Of Overhanging Hawthorn Branches......trailer trips to the tip......sore hands......and apprehension on my part.

But slowly we can see where and how the garden Needs to change.

In the past, I have added to gardens. Bizarrely.... in this place ...we need to simplify and remove. It goes against the grain but if we don't,  then down the track, just out  of sight,  this garden will be waiting to wreck it's own havoc on us.

Be Strong!

Oh yes.
And a valerian. 
Bought so that it can do it's stuff all over the place.....




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