Post summer.

So here we have our companion; happy, relaxed and not looking In The Least like a dog who had been off his feet and seriously out for the count during most of one very long recent night.
He's thirteen years old and has managed to make the massive final retirement relocation north of the border.
It's a perfect situation for him here... beach about a mile away, decent footpath just up the back and a garden than he can hide and seek in. The village has apparently helpfully has laid on new footpaths for his enjoyment as well. Nearby beaches are being slowly explored and he loves them all.

So that's him. Us? We're just relieved to live Here....and no longer in the suburbs of a large city.
It's quite shocking to reach that point in our lives when we are retired, either for age or health reasons. But given the previous  raising of children, usual employment and endless voluntary are not apologising for Retiring, with a capital R.
And no, no golf. No committees. No tennis. No bridge. Just lots of being outdoors, much appreciation of our big skies, beaches all over the place and fabulously patient people to live among.

For us.
For now.
This is enough.



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