Autumn has galloped in!

 Don't really know where summer went this year!

I might have been asleep, that is a distinct possibility,  N E Scotland might have just blown the warmth down further south, or maybe it is just one of those subjective things. Now I come to think of it, the guys who were putting a proper roof on the studio , one was in a t shirt and the other in shorts. And they are still surfing off fraserburgh beach! Hardy souls.

Family and friends visited, we were fairly home-based while I now rattle like a regular 1960s tin medicine cabinet.

N e v e r in my life have I  e v e r  taken this much medication. It is quite foul but the two I am most grateful are , do stop the deep desire to pull the whole of my face clean off and can stop one throwing up in a nano second. So, there's that to be thankful for.

Last year the garden took a back step, so to find myself in similar territory this year.....was a shock. 
Decided to do What I could,  When I could and sack the consequences. Today we've picked tomatoes to go with our meals, I ve had a few strawberries and blackberries along the way and there is still enough spring germinated lettuce for a decent smoothie tomorrow as well.

The battle with the cabbage whites (of blessed renown) nearly drove me to distraction, as predictably only managed to zip bloomin' eggs in the Brassica cage,.....many days and rude words later,  the birds were delighted! There are staggered kale sowing of various varieties, so we shall see what we shall see. Hopefully  some scarlet curly kale , some calvero nero and a chunky perennial kale that is glancing around Already for a stake. Must decide where that is going to Go tbh,

Mint, this year has been a delight. 
Ordinary spearmint and peppermint ( can Never remember which is which, but the image is of One of them!) mint has been delightful this year ......and Korean mint, that I think is not a  mint at all buy just a delightful flower? Just looked it up. I am as wrong as a wrong wrong: it is only in the top 50 Chinese herbs! Medicinal  then.

The next month sees four medical apts and as far as I can tell by the time I get to the second one (neurosurgery)  we will have a clearer pathway / selection of pathways set out ahead for perusal. 
Any symptoms not accepted as directly caused by this blessed acoustic neuroma, will hopefully be shovelled off to neurology to deal with and that not before time either.  ENT I think is wanting to discus hearing aids, but I Really do not think I can cope with That many different things at once, so will gracefully decline- for now. Might well revisit later.  Maybe tho,  ENT is responsible for an unknown set of tablets from the pharmacy last week. But my feet will be put down with both hands at the very idea of Yet More Pills and not even telling me.  Grrrrr!


  1. Shake, rattle and roll. 🤗 I like your virtual presence in my life.
    Finally got my back/hip issues more fully diagnosed. Looks like spondylitis and austio. Not great but... 🙄. Hey ho.
    Your garden and location seem just wonderful.

  2. Do your hip n back issues have a active pathway out of the situation or are you to be consigned to shake , rattle and rol
    I do find side effects being treated by Yet More Meds to be a nonsense and do hope you are Not blessed with That.

    The darn annoying thing is that I am well, until I am Not well, then I ' m really not well at all.

    Neurosurgeon had a professional, kind, focused and Very Blunt chat with us the other day and has warned us that I m looking at surgery within the next month or so.

    Giving great thanks that This neurosurgeon is well experienced and knows his stuff. I m in good hands.
    Now This tricky thing can just Stop Growing Anymore.


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