
Showing posts from January, 2022


  Sssshhhhh! Regular reading matter which clearly puts me in the Older age bracket but.....I don't care! Lovely gentle reading matter with a page of quizzes to keep my brain ticking over as well. Hurrah for simple pleasures. The new year has begun, all parental ashes have been placed where they should be, everyone is still talking to each other and thoughts turn to gardening once more. Hibernation is almost at an end and most certainly the call from our garden is loud and persistent, so beds have been roughly cleared of weeds and covered with well rotted goat manure / spent compost / home made compost and hopefully '22 will see flowers and veg In Abundance! We only lost one pane of greenhouse glass and a corner of garden fencing in the storms,  but the countryside around looks as though a giant bulldozer has run amok. Trees everywhere. So Very sad. HibernationTime coincided with family here for Christmas, well two extra households only but that was enough!  "You look shel...