After Not adding to last month's blog! We are now in sunny June- hurrah!

June arrived and with it all fear of frost and damage fled. It seems hard to remember those long days watching through the windows as new tender shoots on the hebe were our sturdy fuschia buds were no more.....and as anything foolish enough to have been planted within the previous 30 days ....was obliterated. Leaving the annual cauliflowers nonchalantly battling wind, rain, hail and general Very Bad Weather whilst the beetroot, cabbage, onions and garlic did likewise. But now? Outside is now being gently clothed with aquilegia and poppy......and a very welcome sight these are! Seeds left shuddering in the greenhouse were ceremoniously tipped onto spare ground and, unless the seedlings had Four Proper Leaves, I started again. This means that parts of our garden resemble a jumble sale! Lots of frogspawn tried everso hard, then sank without trace. Pessimistic, i feared the worst but we do have a few tadpoles still and the frogs are staying around the ...