The growing season has begun!

At least, on my window sill the growing season has started anyway. May I introduce the garlic? My first lot of garlic were rooted in the greenhouse during November, hardened off outside during December and planted out last week. The second lot were rooted on a window sill over Christmas and potted up last week, currently in a greenhouse. Now these beauties! It is exciting, the beginning of springtime. Tbh I had been utterly unwilling to get out of bed in the mornings for the past few months. That has changed! I ve been in the greenhouse before now but today saw the studio opened and the woodburner lit. Radio on too as I sorted and catalogued the seed packets. So, where are we up to from last year's over wintering? Claytonia Perfoliata, aka miners lettuce. That has done really well, but should have been germinated earlier. These taste great and we have already enjoyed a decent salad from the interestingly shaped leaves, so this pot looks a little depleted. . It will Not be a...