I was going to be hibernating during january

First day of 2021 and I am baking while in other parts of the house pictures are going up. Outside, the wind is making its presence felt a little and rain is smattering against the north side windows. Sometimes it seems as though the various sides of our home have their own climates! I will add to this in dribs and drabs during the month, but for now we are all still mid covid and now post b__x_t. I won't dignify that word with a capital letter, nor will I spend anymore time on it. No sooner do I finish that last paragraph than a week passes and 'innocence is lost' as the tv presenters are fond of saying. Dont know about that, but Certainly I never thought to see senators cowering under seats and rioters smashing windows, heads or hearts on Capitol Hill. Across the US relatives and friends are counting the cost of their loved one's hitherto apparently harmless allegiances . And the thing is, when hatred is allowed to course through our veins it Never ends well. There...