Slowly emerging

So this is where I've been hanging out, with the plants and especially the calabrese whose germination rate has been amazing and whose leaves I am shamelessly in love with. Plants just keep growing, irrespective of pandemic problems or society's pain. As long as they get some daylight and water + have their roots planted in something suitable, they are happy. Chard, Fordhook Giant to be precise. This will most certainly be grown again, whatever life throws at it this plant storms through. Stands there and takes it. One plant was eaten (don't plant them near shrubs....) but Still new leaves were being sent up every day! Amazing. Requires next to no attention while growing and tastes fab. It's been a while since I have planted peas, but these main crop are doing fine. No peas as yet, but the half that we crop for pea shoots are super crunchy. Most of the rest are planted up in the top corner of our garden, an area currently defended by an irate blue tit whos...