Autumn has galloped in!

Don't really know where summer went this year! I might have been asleep, that is a distinct possibility, N E Scotland might have just blown the warmth down further south, or maybe it is just one of those subjective things. Now I come to think of it, the guys who were putting a proper roof on the studio , one was in a t shirt and the other in shorts. And they are still surfing off fraserburgh beach! Hardy souls. Family and friends visited, we were fairly home-based while I now rattle like a regular 1960s tin medicine cabinet. N e v e r in my life have I e v e r taken this much medication. It is quite foul but the two I am most grateful are , do stop the deep desire to pull the whole of my face clean off and can stop one throwing up in a nano second. So, there's that to be thankful for. Last year the garden took a back step, so to find myself in similar territory this year.....was a shock. Decided to do What I could, When I could and sack the consequenc...