Missed a month there,

Tarrah! May I present a jumble of rain splattered herbs? Cornflower, thyme and chives to be precise. Not exactly what I expected the veg and herb garden outside our kitchen to be looking like in the first week of July! But life happened. In short, a benign growth on my vestibular nerve started to make itself known. Hello vestibular schwannoma! You are not exactly welcome here but at least you are benign and at least you explain why my head felt Kinda Crowded of late! Lessons learned since February. Loosing hearing in one ear is a medical emergency, Seriously. Rare conditions do not equal "so you haven't got it". Push a few doors open? Try " be ruthlessly persistent" Gp's seriously are not trained to diagnose rare conditions, so cut them some slack But insist on swift and acurate referrals. Use a search engine of choice if our medical symptoms don't stack up with first possible diagnosis. In other news The tadpoles grew into frogs! The garden is not a c...