Celebrating duvet covers!

In the midst of very vexing medical nonsense am seriously grateful to Tesco for selling these stunning duvet sets, they make me smile on a regular basis. Emerging from last year's mayhem, I had high hopes for the garden only .., well health matters have taken up Feb- the present time. And look like intruding into summer as well. I am not at all impressed. However I am very impressed by the ability of all manner of stuff to flourish if it is JustDumped in the garden soil! And flower seeds too! Goodness knows what the garden will look like this year, but there is something of the whimsical-fairy-look about it already. Some may mutter darkly of Overgrown and such like, but there is rhubarb chard tucked in with celendines and marigolds and fordhook giant chard taking it's chances with the lunaria. It's lovely! Frogs are about the place, something keeps flying into the glass of our bedroom window at night and six sheep have taken up residence in the field behind us. The bir...