Autumnal beginings,

This covid-living has almost grounded me, along with a great many others. We are people for whom catching covid (without full immunisation and even with full immunisation) would be a disaster. So what to do? Gardening is my go to. There is no pretense at perfection or competence, just a slow allowing of my working with soil and plants to enrich everything about this life right now. And magazines .....With Seeds On The Cover!......are sold in our village shop. We are on the second growing season with covid as a backdrop and here are today's quick shots. Above are half of the dahlias grown from seed. From Seed! They were almost launched over the garden wall at one point as earwigs shredded the leaves, but the plants have lived to see this moment and what joy they bring. Below are a couple of bedding plants bought for the flowers but enjoyed for the leaves. They are covering a patch of very unproductive soil and also providing a playspace for wrens and robins. Lunari...