April proper!

it has been windy. And cold. Foliage has been shredded and early flowers frosted. It's not been a pretty sight. Flowering currants took a particularly bad hit. The celandines and dandelions have kept the bees and butterflies ok but they have had their moments, queuing for the nectar is a thing! As is working in the garden and having the butterflies right up close by and the bees happily brushing against my hands. Odd. But quite lovely... Springtime has showed just how much plastic clutter there is in the garden, from the very necessary pond liner to random buckets and pots left about the place. Now. There IS method in the madness...when the pots Are Full Of Plants, but the ones i saw today were more of the " Oh That's where those two buckets went to" thing. Brassica germination has happened! Overwintered cauliflowers are out with feverfew interplaneted. I'm hoping their scent might deter the dreaded cabbage white. The cabbages are being raised in pots , will be...