June 2020.

Early afternoon..... in early June. It has rained and blown all day. Have scampered across to the studio twice and nearly been blown over each time! Hopefully all the veg are OK? Certainly the size of our kindling pile for this winter will be increasing, tomorrow maybe the weather will have blown itself out so I can pick my way around with a container and clear the garden a bit. For now though I am left with my thoughts, a large pile of assorted blue fabric pieces and plenty of time. Everything that can be machine sewn has Been machine sewn and all that I am left with are numerous trailing ends to hand sew into place. The process of slowly ( oh sooo slowly at times!) clearing, sorting, relocating or repurposing has started again. Lockdown has meant that my shopping bag is abandoned and the afore mentioned sorting process has brought to light precious cushions made with the same fabric. Clearing a bedroom cupboard brought to light enough bits and pieces of...